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Letters From God: Hope Is Real


Hope is tantamount with our own divinity, our knowing and trust in the workings of Source. It is a crystalline code of the human blueprint that we fully embody when we know we are divine beings. Hope has transformative power. Despite it being constantly available within us, a conscious decision to express hope and cultivate a hopeful mindset is essential.

Having hope feels easiest when things are going well. When we experience challenges, hope can feel somewhat elusive. It is during difficult times, however, that hope shines brightest and transforms our experience. When faced with difficult emotions, we can choose to respond with hope. We are empowered to choose our response to personal circumstances and external events. We do not need to hold out on hope or wait until we have the answers or solutions. We only need to trust in our divinity, hold positive anticipation and maintain a balanced perspective of the situation at hand. We can activate hope and hold it to us as we would hold a precious gem.

Hope is catching. We may feel inspired by knowing that we can uplift any situation. When we intentionally hold hope we shift from being the victim to feeling empowered. We can choose the relationship that we have with each other and ourselves. We choose our reality and in doing so we contribute to the collective reality.

A reality perfectly aligned and beyond logical explanation can be considered a miracle. It may more accurately be that we create actualities, or the appearance of miracles, with our intention of serving the collective highest good. They are not miracles but serendipitous circumstances. As self-empowered creator beings, we choose to deploy and direct creative energy streams. A creative intention aligned with hope can swiftly uplift to a higher vibration. Hope is like a ‘secret sauce’ which elevates a good recipe to new heights. Hope is a dynamic element of masterful divine creation.

During challenging circumstances our creative mastery comes into power. Rather than feel futility or disempowerment we may choose to feel hope. Where our attention goes is where creative energy flows. We tread a fine line when we witness a challenged world yet don’t allow it to compromise our energy and focus. We can acknowledge hardship yet maintain emotional stability within ourselves. We may acknowledge disruption yet maintain equanimity. We choose our experience and therefore our future reality. Maintaining a state of positive anticipation and unwavering trust is masterful conscious creation in daily practice.

When holding hope and creative streams to us, we can manifest a high vibration outcome for most situations. Hope in line with the law of attraction brings more goodness in our direction. Hope clears the energy surrounding us and emits high-vibration energy, drawing more of the same into our energy field. It is not difficult to imagine the affects that this can have on our manifestations. Working with sound understanding of particulate arrangement and hope can transform our creative pursuits into outcomes that exceed our expectations.

Hope as a catalyst is supremely simple. Within each of us in our abdomen, a wellspring of hope waits in infinite supply to be shared. Hope has the effect of illuminating and easing burdens and allows us to see a way forward. It returns us to the present moment and enhances our experience of life. Hope helps us see ourselves and each other as divine beings with limitless possibilities. Hope is both a precursor and an outcome of trusting in Source.

There is significant opportunity for hope to be employed for the collective highest good. Hope is refined and precise in its capacity to ease the transition of our planet to enlightened living, to up-levelling and evolution. You have an important part to play in our planetary evolution. Your personal upliftment will be assisted by hope. If you are willing to show yourself as a source of hope and positive anticipation you will also assist the unfolding of our collective evolution.

We have a juxtaposition to consider. Will you view the world through the lens of how it is presently experiencing itself, or will you see beyond the present reality to a ‘miraculous’ transformation as an enlightened galactic community fully aware of its divinity?

Can you entertain that we may emerge from the present conflicts with a level of wisdom and self-mastery beyond anything that you thought possible?

Are you open to connecting with beings from other galaxies and star systems who are ready to share technologies with us, who can help us use resources with equality and respect?

Can you feel hopeful and trust that a divinely inspired plan is unfolding before you, around you, within you?

This is our challenge. This is how your willingness to openly embrace hope and positive regard is crucial to others being open to a new way of living. If you accept our invitation, you will help birth into reality a bright new world, a self-realised version of human divinity called Homo Luminous. Is there anything more miraculous that we could create for ourselves and each other than this future for our planet?

Let hope flow and it will ease your transition to enlightened living. Share hope in abundance so that others may experience it for themselves. Be the change you hope for and hope will help bring about change.

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