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Radiant Beings Channelled: The Wisdom of Emotion

Emotions are an interesting and useful characteristic of being human. All animals including humans feel the full spectrum of emotions and sensory stimuli. Only humans shy away from emotions as though they are undesirable and unhelpful. How can they be? Your Soul co-created you with all the emotions, feelings and sensations that are treasured aspects of human life.

Rather than feeling a need to ‘rise above’ your emotions, please consider how enlightened life may be experienced. Enlightened folk have chosen to open themselves to their Source Self, to feel no distance between themselves and Source-God-Spirit-Divine Director-Allah, whichever name you prefer. To open to Source is to feel more deeply all the emotions and energies of self and often those of the collective. Enlightened living is an empowered, conscious decision to experience life in all its colours, tones and complexities including emotions. There is no need for denial or exclusion of any emotion, only awareness and choice.

Some spiritual teachings define how it is to be enlightened - how you may feel, how you could behave, what you might do if you hope to one day attain enlightenment. In any case, there is no imperative for you to transcend your emotions, only to balance your relationship to them.

Welcome your emotions. They are your inbuilt guidance. How do you know when you are aligned with your Soul’s desires if not for your feelings? How do you discern whether a situation is of benefit or best avoided? How do you choose in which direction to go? When you feel a sharp emotional response to any situation, it brings you valuable insights into what’s important to you. It shows you where you may wish to do some healing or letting-go. Even the least pleasant emotions share wisdom.

It is clear that emotions are valuable. We hope you are open to letting go of any judgements about how you should be feeling and to honour yourself as you are now. Many are lifting the vibrational frequency of the Earth plane simply by being in love with their own Divine Self and humanness. It is this that lightens lives. It is this view that liberates. Your willingness to honour yourself as a whole, exquisite, multifaceted expression of Source on your individual life path will enlighten you. You are the spark of compassion, the light and the way to Divine Source.

We be Ascended Masters, Angelic, Universal and Nature beings, many hearts united with common purpose. There are many residing in Light who offer to support and guide you. We are here for you, to walk alongside you and help you transition from 3D life to 5D luminous life.

You are empowered by your free will. Call for support if you feel the need. We will hear. We will answer. Listen for the wisdom in your emotions. The choice is yours.

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